Where to begin? I have been married to my best friend since 1995. We were happily married for 10 years before giving birth to our first little girl. Five years later we had our second sweet little girl. I’m a stay at home mom who also homeschools her Little Chix. I blog all about my homeschooling days on my other blog Homeschoolin Mama!
That brings me to 2012 and the start of my blog: Changing My Life – One Roll at a Time!
You could say my being at home so much has NOT been kind to my waist line. You could blame my kiddos for it (and some days I totally do). But really I have steadily gained about 5 pounds a year since I married my wonderful man. My having kids and homeschooling them just kicked it into over drive!
I am by no means an expert. Please make sure you know that – I AM NOT AN EXPERT!!! I’m a Mom who is struggling with losing her weight that likes to share what I find out – the good and the bad (but hopefully just the good).
I’ve struggled with my body image for a while now. Even when I was thin I never thought I was. But now that I have two little chix, who look up to me whether I like it or not, I feel so much pressure to be that healthy female role model they need to see. I want them to learn to eat healthy, exercise – just treat their bodies as temples. How will they ever learn that if I – their Mama – don’t show them?